Friday, October 31, 2008

Realizing Peace Now

In this moment I am finding myself. I am deeply listening to everything starting from the heart beating within my chest, the breath coming and going, the tension in my neck as I breath in and the relaxation settling as I breath out, the thrum of the computer, my husband putting the baby to bed and the baby singing to his daddy, the children out late for a Halloween haunt, a car rushing by on the road, the wind blowing through the trees, the dogs barking at something running through the woods and I am sitting here typing listening to it all. I am calm and glad to have a moment to enjoy my life and honor the spirit of being here, being born, the energy that has been passed down to me from my ancestors, transformed by each in thier own way and given to me to be molded in my own fashion to act and transform and call my life. I am grateful to be here and I am grateful for what I have been given and what I have become. Love and Light to All.

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